A Climate Fiction Novel by Treesong
If you had all the power in the world, would you stop climate change?
Truman Stuart is a man on a mission. As the new Preceptor of Order, it’s his job to oversee the survival and progress of human civilization. When he discovers that climate change poses an existential threat to humanity, the Preceptor knows that he has to find a way to stop it. But how can he solve a global crisis that his own organization and its powerful fossil fuel allies helped create?
Order is a contemporary fantasy tale featuring a powerful secret society, glimpses of magic and hypertech, an underground resistance called Anomalous Revolution, and a colorful cast of characters that the Preceptor meets along the way as he searches for solutions to the climate crisis.
Order was published on October 31, 2019 in both PAPERBACK and EBOOK formats. Sign up for Treesong’s newsletter to ensure that you don’t miss this and other news about Treesong’s fiction and superhero adventures.
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