A Tale of Real-Life Superheroes
In the near future, America has undergone a radical transformation. As unemployment soars and government services are dismantled, teams of costumed heroes form to fill the gaps. Some are amazing superheroes like you’ve read about in comic books, but most are just everyday heroes trying to get by on basic income. But don’t call them basic or budget superheroes. They call themselves Bargains.
Bargain will be published in 2019! Do you want to read Bargain before it’s published? Check out Treesong’s Patreon campaign! The first drafts of the first few chapters are already available on Patreon. Subscribe today to read these chapters and support more fiction like Bargain.
Other Books By Treesong

Change: Sarah Athraigh, an environmental activist from Southern Illinois, stumbles into the midst of a hidden war between occult factions that are grappling with the root causes and dire consequences of climate change. As she goes on the run, she soon finds herself on a journey of discovery, searching for the unusual allies and innovative ideas that will help her to make a difference for the better in a dangerous world.

Goodbye Miami: Kass, an American climate refugee, flees Miami in the wake of a hurricane that leaves most of the city underwater. After moving in with her cousin in Southern Illinois, Kass struggles to deal with her displacement. She hopes to find a way to return to the city that she loves. But thanks to global warming, that city is now underwater. What starts as a search for survival quickly evolves into a struggle for the future of Miami — and the world.

Cli-Fi Plus: Cli-Fi Plus
is a climate fiction anthology with an emphasis on genre and theme crossovers. Each story combines elements of cli
-fi with elements of more established genres and themes in sci-fi and literary fiction. What does a cli
-fi alien story look like? What does a cli
-fi robot story look like? What does a cli
-fi zombie story look like? What does a cli
-fi time travel story look like? What does a cli
-fi political thriller look like? What does literary cli
-fi look like? Find the answers to these questions and more in Cli
-Fi Plus!
Treesong’s Newsletter
Treesong is an author, talk radio host, community organizer, and Real Life Superhero. Subscribe to Treesong’s newsletter today to receive updates about his writing, new releases, giveaways, sales, public appearances, and so on.
Review Copies
Booksellers and reviewers may contact Treesong to receive a free ebook copy of Goodbye Miami. Please include the name of your bookstore or the magazine, blog, etc. where you will be submitting your review.