Climate change books are any books that contains significant references to the climate crisis. The genre, style, tone, and other elements of climate change books are just as diverse as their authors and readers. Whether you’re looking for climate fiction, climate nonfiction, or climate poetry, you’ve come to the right place.
What climate change book resources are you looking for today?
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What Are Climate Change Books?
Climate Nonfiction | Climate Fiction
Treesong’s Climate Change Books Site
What Are Climate Change Books?
Climate change books are any books that contains significant references to the climate crisis. The genre, style, tone, and other elements of climate change books are just as diverse as their authors and readers. Whether you’re looking for climate fiction, climate nonfiction, or climate poetry, you’ve come to the right place.
Why do climate change books matter? Reading, writing, and discussing books about climate change are all important ways to break the climate silence. Reading about climate change is an enjoyable, informative, and thought-provoking way to deepen our understanding of the climate crisis and its solutions.
Whether you’re a new climate change reader or a climate communicator doing research on the topic, the following list of online climate change book resources should help you find the particular climate books and discourse that are right for you.
If you’re looking for a full list of creative works and resources related to the climate crisis, please check out the full list of categories in my Climate Resource Center. If you have any additions, corrections, or other suggestions to share please contact me.
Climate Nonfiction
Climate nonfiction is a broad genre of writing that includes all works of nonfiction that focus primarily on the climate crisis.
Some climate nonfiction books describe the causes and consequences of the climate crisis in great detail. Others examine potential and actual climate solutions.
Climate Fiction
Climate fiction, also known as cli-fi, is any fiction that contains significant climate themes or references. The genre, style, tone, mood, and other elements of climate fiction are just as diverse as its authors and readers. Whatever type of fiction you prefer, there’s a climate fiction story out there for you.
Treesong’s Climate Change Books Site
Where can you buy climate change books?
Most bookshops don’t have a climate change section. They might have the books you’re looking for, but they’re not easy to find without a dedicated climate change section.
My Climate Change Books site features a curated collection of climate change books. My catalog includes both climate fiction and climate nonfiction categories. Browse over a hundred titles, choose the one that’s right for you, and order it from your favorite online bookseller.
Each book’s page includes a button that take you to where you can get the book online. A few of these climate change books are free ebooks. Others are available for purchase in ebook or print format. If you prefer to borrow rather than buy, they may also be available from your local library.
You can also find most of the same titles at my shop on Bookshop.org. When you buy from Bookshop, part of the proceeds go to local independent bookstores, at no extra cost to you. Bookshop offers the convenience of shopping online plus the peace of mind of knowing that you’re supporting local independent bookstores!
If you prefer to borrow rather than buy, they may also be available from your local library in print or ebook format. You’re welcome to use the reading lists on my Climate Change Books site as a starting point even if you don’t buy the books there. I’m trying to make a living as a climate author and reviewer, but I also just really want to help readers find and read good climate change books!
Proceeds from Climate Change Books
My Climate Change Books site is an affiliate book blog. This means that each time you buy a book through this blog, I receive a small affiliate commission.
I donate 10% of my proceeds from your purchases in my Climate Change Books site to climate justice groups. The rest is used to pay my website expenses and provide me with a bit of income from selling climate change books. I do this for the love of reading and climate justice, but affiliate income from book sales helps make it sustainable.
If you have any questions or titles to suggest for my Climate Change Books site, please contact me.