New Website Software

drupal-to-wordpressWelcome to the latest incarnation of! After years of running my website using various versions of Drupal, I’ve finally decided to make the switch to WordPress. Drupal is great and all, but WordPress is really more appropriate for my needs.

I successfully migrated all of my old Drupal content into my new WordPress installation. However, since I did it all myself using my limited knowledge of SQL, the results are a little wonky. All of the content is the new database, but the URLs on old posts and pages aren’t properly formatted. All of the blog posts are still publicly visible, but if you’re using the search box to find old content, you may only be able to view summaries rather than full entries. I’m going to fix this, but it may take me a few days to get back to it.

There may also be formatting or other errors in the imported content. If you notice any major errors, feel free to contact me.

I also have news on several other fronts, but I’ll save that for future entries. In the meantime, if you haven’t already, I encourage you to stay up-to-date on my adventures via Facebook, Twitter, and my newsletter.

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