
Choose my character's next victim

Choose my character’s next victim

Have you ever voted on the fate of a character in a work of fiction? Now’s your chance to help me choose my character’s next victim!

One of the two novels I’m writing, Burning, features a protagonist named Rionach. Rionach suffers a tremendous personal loss during a climate-fueled wildfire. Rather than dealing with her climate grief in more socially-acceptable ways, she decides to hunt the people responsible for the climate crisis.

In honor of Halloween, Samhain, and my inclusion in the “There Will Be Blood” gory ebook giveaway, I’ve decided to let my readers vote on who Rionach will choose as her next victim!

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A Tale of Two Novels

A Tale of Two Novels: Hope and Grief in Climate Fiction

A Tale of Two Novels: Hope and Grief in Climate Fiction.

There is no single magic bullet solution to the climate crisis. There is also no single “right way” to feel about the climate crisis, as I explore in my climate poetry book, All the Climate Feels. Instead, there is a complex landscape of deep feelings and meaningful responses to the climate crisis.

With these two novels, I’m exploring two sides of my response to the climate crisis. One side is hopeful and solutions-oriented, looking for ways to make something like Solardale possible in the real world in my own town and elsewhere. One side is grieving and resistance-oriented, looking for ways to process my climate grief and hold powerful individuals and institutions responsible for their willful contributions to the climate crisis.

Both of these sides are necessary components of a comprehensive and effective response to the climate crisis. And I hope that both of these novels will be thoroughly entertaining tales that make important contributions to public discourse on the climate crisis.

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