We are creatures of flesh and bone
sinew and marrow
biochemical machines
that have evolved
to live
to breathe
to eat
to reproduce
to live on
in the next generation.
But we are also
composed of stories
internal monologues
and cultural discourses
stories that we weave
and are woven by
from the code of our DNA
to the plot of the latest movie.
Some storytellers
weave the threads
of their narratives
into thick, coarse ropes
that bind our hands
and gag our mouths
and cover our eyes
making us nothing more
than supporting characters
in their story.
While we lie bound and naked
in the shadow of their stories
they use the finest silk threads
to puppeteer those around them
and lead an army of zombie puppets
to take over the world.
But remember
always remember
that you are a storyteller.
You are the protagonist
of your own story
and in your story
you can tear through
the ties that bind you
and cut through
the strings that puppeteer you
and weave the threads
of your own narrative
into a pair of wings
that lift you higher and higher
on the currents of inspiration
until you reach the climax
you’ve been dreaming of.