My Books Are Now On Bookshop!

Treesong on BookshopI’m pleased to announce that my books are now available on Bookshop!

Bookshop is an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores. If you want to find a specific local bookstore to support, find them on the Bookshop map and they’ll receive the full profit from your order. Otherwise, you can start at my online bookshop. Either way, your order will contribute to an earnings pool that will be evenly distributed among independent bookstores (even those that don’t use Bookshop).

Here are three reasons why I’m excited about this news (and I hope you are too):

  1. You can now buy print copies of all of my books without paying a dime to Amazon. My books are still listed on Amazon, but I’ll only be promoting my books on Bookshop and Draft2Digital (my new indie distributor for both print books and ebooks).
  2. Each sale supports independent bookstores, whether you start at my online book shop or your favorite local book shop.
  3. Bookshop also provides an easy way for me to create recommended reading lists related to climate and other interests. All purchases from these reading lists support independent bookstores.

If you buy books online, whether they’re my books or someone else’s, please consider shopping at Bookshop. You’ll basically find all of the same books you’d find on Amazon, but with the proceeds going to local bookstores. Readers, authors, and local bookstores all benefit from this arrangement.

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