Happy Summer! I’m pleased to announce that I have new cover art and new release dates ready for this Summer and Fall. I’m hoping to build momentum in both my sales and my writing by relaunching my existing titles, releasing two new ones, and making plans for future releases.
The first step has been cover art. I’ve already purchased cover art for Change, Goodbye Miami, and my upcoming climate fiction anthology, Cli-Fi Plus. I haven’t finalized the new Change cover yet, but the other two are finalized, and the ebook version of Goodbye Miami has already been updated with the new cover.
Why did I get new cover art for books that already have cover art? In a word, marketability.
The original cover art for Change was a professionally designed special commission featuring the main characters of the novel. I still absolutely love the artwork, but numerous people have told me that the style reminds them of a graphic novel. Honestly, that makes me wonder what Change would look like as a graphic novel! If I ever become rich and famous, maybe I’ll find out. In the meantime, since Change isn’t a graphic novel, I decided to find a new cover. I haven’t finalized that one yet, but I’ll be posting it soon.
The original cover art for Goodbye Miami was never professionally designed. I just printed a “Goodbye Miami” postcard, took a photo of it on an office desk, and added the title and author text. I actually think it turned out well considering the fact that I’m not a graphic artist, but I’d much rather see it have a professional cover that will draw in the new readers it deserves. I really like how the new cover turned out. It’s not what I originally envisioned, but it’s an intriguing take on the basic premise — a woman displaced from Miami when a hurricane leaves the city flooded.
Since I haven’t released Cli-Fi Plus yet, I have the opportunity to give it a strong start with a professionally-designed cover. Short story anthologies often don’t sell as many copies as novels, so I’m not raising my expectations too high. A good cover will draw more attention to it, though, than it would have otherwise. This cover, in particular, feels like a good reflection of the fact that the stories contain an uncommon mix of sunny solutions-oriented storytelling and downright dystopian tales of climate apocalypse.
Speaking of new releases, I now have release dates for two of my upcoming titles!
Cli-Fi Plus is coming out on August 1, 2018. I’ve already finished compiling the stories into a single document, so all that’s left is to upload the file, make sure that the formatting looks good, and do some pre-release promotion. The August 1 release date will give me plenty of lead time to get the word out. I also chose this date because I want to release new titles on seasonal holidays whenever possible. August 1 is Lughnasadh, the harvest festival at the midpoint between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox.
As for Order, the tentative new release date is October 31, 2018. I’m calling this a tentative date for now because there are still several steps between here and there. In order to meet that deadline, I need to accomplish the following in four months: (1) publish and promote Cli-Fi Plus; (2) complete all revisions of the Order manuscript; (3) ensure that the file is properly formatted; (4) prepare all promotions at least a month in advance of publication; (5) take care of some other major work this Summer in my non-author life. So far, I’m on track for an October 31, 2018 release date for Order. But I’m not going to announce an official and widely publicized release date until late July or early August.
Beyond Cli-Fi Plus and Order, the timeline is still a bit vague.
I’m currently working on the next chapter of Bargain, my first superhero novel. All chapters of this novel will be posted on my Patreon account, with one or more new chapters appearing each month. Given my current rate of writing, I expect to be done with Bargain sometime in late Spring or early Summer of 2019. However, it’s too soon to set a release date, official or otherwise.
I also have several other projects on the drawing board that I haven’t started writing yet. I’ve started developing the ideas for these projects, but have done little or no actual writing. This includes a second climate fiction anthology; a sequel to Change and Order called Eutopia; a sequel to Bargain; a multi-author project that I hope to announce this Fall, if I’m not too busy with Order; and a new cli-fi novel unrelated to Goodbye Miami or the Eutopia Series (which consists of Change, Order, and the still-hypothetical Eutopia).
Needless to say, this is a busy time in my life, both personally and professionally! I’m really looking forward to writing all of this fiction and sharing it with my readers. If you’d like to stay up-to-date on my new releases and other superhero adventures, please subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. In the meantime, thanks for your interest and support!
My name is Treesong. I’m a father, author, talk radio host, and Real Life Superhero. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and Ko-fi for my latest climate fiction releases and superhero adventures. Sign up for my newsletter to receive free climate fiction in your inbox. Check out my bookshop for climate change books, including reading lists for climate fiction, climate nonfiction, and climate poetry!