Order Now Available For Pre-Order!

My new climate fiction novel, Order, is now available for pre-order!

Order will be released on October 31, 2019. Pre-order the Kindle edition today and have it delivered to your device automatically when it’s ready. If you prefer the print version, check back here on October 31 for the link. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to ensure that you don’t miss this and other news about my fiction and superhero adventures.

The basic premise of Order is simple. If you had all the power in the world, would you stop climate change?

Truman Stuart is a man on a mission. As the new Preceptor of Order, it’s his job to oversee the survival and progress of human civilization. When he discovers that climate change poses an existential threat to humanity, the Preceptor knows that he has to find a way to stop it. But how can he solve a global crisis that his own organization and its powerful fossil fuel allies helped create?

Order is a contemporary fantasy tale featuring a powerful secret society, glimpses of magic and hypertech, an underground resistance called Anomalous Revolution, and a colorful cast of characters that the Preceptor meets along the way as he searches for solutions to the climate crisis.

Order is the sequel to my first novel, Change. You can read Order before, after, or independently of Change. It explores several of the major events of Change from a different perspective, while also exploring many new events not referenced in Change.

Change explores the climate crisis from an “outsider” or “activist” perspective. Order explores it from an “insider” or “establishment” perspective. They can be read separately, but reading them both (in your preferred order) will provide for a more nuanced experience of the underlying themes.

Are you ready for Order? Let me know if you have any questions about this new novel or my other writing projects. I look forward to hearing what readers have to say about Order. I’m also available for author interviews and can provide digital review copies of Order to book reviewers and members of the media.

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