My Reviews of Climate Change Games on

Fan art by Treesong based on logo

Have you ever played games on is a fun and easy way to find and share indie games online. You can create an account to play or upload games for free. Game creators decide whether to offer their games for free or charge players for access. The result is a delightful catalog of hundreds of thousands of free and affordable indie games.

As a climate fiction author and climate justice advocate, I’m always on the lookout for creative content related to climate change. So I decided to see if has any games related to climate change. When I found out that they do, I decided to review their climate change games.

All fifty-eight and counting!

I’m going to post all of my climate change game reviews here on my blog. I’ve also created a special page called Climate Change Games on This page features a full listing of the games, including each game’s title, preview image, and short description. When I write a review for a game, I’ll post a link to the full review on that page too.

I’m also excited to announce that I’ll be posting a whole series of book and game reviews on my blog and on social media. I’ve posted a handful of book reviews in the past, but this ongoing series of book and game reviews will be new for me. I’ll include more details about that in my next blog post. I hope you enjoy it!

Which game(s) are you most excited to see reviewed? I plan to go in alphabetical order, but I’ll happily switch it up in response to your feedback. If you want to ask for a specific game review, or have any other feedback about this project, please find me on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok) and tell me all about it.

In the meantime, feel free to check out Climate Change Games on and decide for yourself which game(s) you like the most!

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