I’m pleased to announce that my online climate change bookshop is now open for business!
Treesong’s Bookshop offers a wide selection of climate change books. You can browse our fiction and nonfiction sections, search for a particular title/author/keyword, or use our reading lists to help you find the book that’s right for you.
Here’s an overview of what this new bookshop has to offer for readers, authors, local bookstores, and the movement for climate justice.
One-Stop Climate Change Bookshop for Readers

Treesong’s Bookshop is a one-stop shop for all readers who care about climate change.
Most online and in-person bookstores don’t have sections dedicated to climate fiction or climate nonfiction. We have both. Climate change books are our specialty!
If you’re new to reading books about climate, we’ve got you covered. We have a growing selection of reading lists that can help you find the type of books you’re looking for. If you’re not sure where to start, these reading lists will give you some good ideas. Starting in December, we’ll also be posting original article-length book reviews for select titles to give you more insight into these books before you buy.
When you’re ready to check out, you get to choose which online bookseller you use to complete your purchase. As an affiliate bookshop, we don’t handle the payments and delivery for your purchase. We provide universal book links that let you choose from a long list of popular booksellers: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop, and many more. We help you find the books you’re looking for; you choose who delivers them. When you check out, you can choose a favorite bookseller to make your next visit to Treesong’s Bookshop that much quicker.
We even have a few free books listed in our catalog! If a book is free, the “Free Online” button takes you directly to the official landing page for the free ebook or browser-based stories. I obviously don’t make any money off of other people’s free books, but I include them in the catalog for your benefit as a reader and to encourage more people to read climate change books.
If you’re a reader and you’d like to stay up-to-date on new climate change books, please subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on social media. I’ll share regular updates about new and featured books on my blog, in my newsletter, and across all social media accounts.
Free Promotion for Authors & Books

As an author myself, I know how challenging it can be to promote your own books. Writing and marketing involve very different skill sets. Most publishers — especially indie publishers and self-publishers — require the author to do a significant chunk of the promotion of their books. This can be as simple as showing up for a book signing organized by your publisher or as daunting as doing all of your own marketing when self-publishing.
If you’re a climate author or publisher, I want to help you do that promotional work.
I’m passionate about climate change books. I believe they can play a vital role in our individual and collective responses to the climate crisis. Therefore, I’m going to do everything I can to promote climate change books that have something meaningful to say about the climate crisis and our responses to it.
One of the main ways I’m promoting this bookshop is by promoting the work of individual climate authors. Every day, I post about a climate change book on social media. Starting in December, I’m also going to post thorough reviews of climate change books on a regular basis. My goal with these social media posts and reviews is threefold: to inform readers, to promote authors/books, and to drive traffic to my bookshop. If I can meet all three goals with the same set of posts, it’s a win-win-win!
I’m also open to other suggestions you have for how I can promote your climate change books. I’m open to guest blog posts (on my blog or yours), interviews, blog tours, etc. There are only so many hours in a day, so I can’t guarantee that I’ll act on every suggestion submitted by every author or reader. But if you have an idea for how we can work together to promote your climate change book(s), contact me and I’ll see what I can do.
What do I ask in return? Nothing, really. I’m going to be out here promoting your climate change book regardless of whether or not you even know I exist.
Having said that, if you do want to show your appreciation for the work I do promoting climate fiction and climate nonfiction, please tell your readers about my climate bookshop and climate resource center in your newsletter, website, social media posts, etc. Thanks in advance for any readers you can send my way!
Support for Local Bookstores

I love local, independent, in-person bookstores. I used to co-own such a bookstore. These bookstores often play an important role in promoting local authors and providing community space for book readings, book clubs, and so on. As I launch this online climate bookshop, I want to do what I can to support local bookstores too.
How can an online bookshop possibly support local, independent, in-person bookstores?
The answer is Bookshop!
What’s Bookshop? Bookshop works to connect readers with independent booksellers all over the world. They believe local bookstores are essential community hubs that foster culture, curiosity, and a love of reading. Every purchase you make through Bookshop financially supports independent bookstores. Their platform gives independent bookstores tools to compete online and financial support to help them maintain their presence in local communities. Since 2020, Bookshop has raised more than $23 million for independent bookstores.
Most print books in our catalog include the option to purchase the book from Bookshop. If it’s available on Bookshop, you’ll see their purple B logo in the list of booksellers when you click “Buy Now.” If you like supporting local bookstores, make sure that you always try Bookshop first any time you buy a print book, whether it’s a climate change book or any other topic or genre. They have almost every book in print and offer a smooth and professional checkout and delivery process that rivals or surpasses anything you’ll get from their competitors.
Now that you know about Bookshop, do you want to do all of your books shopping there? You’re in luck! I have a climate change bookshop there too. When you shop at my Bookshop storefront, 10% of your purchase goes to local bookstores and 10% goes to my shop. That’s a win-win for everyone!
Support for the Movement for Climate Justice

How does Treesong’s Bookshop support the movement for climate justice?
The idea for this bookshop evolved out of my own efforts to support climate justice. Over the past twenty years, I’ve been involved in a wide variety of community and media efforts to promote environmental justice and climate justice. This commitment to climate justice inspired me to start including climate themes in my writing, which in turn led me to read other people’s climate change books, which in turn led me to start reviewing and promoting those books. Treesong’s Bookshop is my way of turning my love of climate change books into an organized campaign to promote climate change books to new and current readers in a sustainable way.
But reading, writing, and discussing books only goes so far. Climate justice requires action. Does this bookshop provide any material support to the organizations and campaigns that are working directly for climate justice?
Yes! Each quarter, I donate 10% of all my proceeds from my shops and books to a different climate justice organization. I’ve already done this in the past with my own writing income. Now I’m including all bookshop income in that process as well.
I’m open to your suggestions for anything else I can do to promote climate justice. For example, I plan to prioritize books with a strong climate justice framing in my book promotional efforts. I would also like to prioritize any books whose sales directly benefit organizers or organizations that are working on climate justice. People who are working on climate justice are also welcome to do a guest blog post on my website to help promote their efforts.
If you do climate justice work and have any questions or suggestions about how we can work together for climate justice, please contact me.
Thank You
Thank you for reading about Treesong’s Bookshop!
If you like the idea of a climate change bookshop, here are a few things you can do to help Treesong’s Bookshop flourish:
- Buy climate change books at Treesong’s Bookshop
- Tell your friends by word of mouth, social media, etc. If you’re posting on social media, you’re welcome to grab the image at the top of this post or the bookshop images I post occassionally on social media. Posts with a photo or video tend to do better on social media than text-only posts.
- Link to Treesong’s Bookshop, Treesong’s Climate Resource Center, and/or my website on your personal or organizational website(s).
- Check out my Ko-fi page to buy my books, make a one-time donation, or subscribe as a member. Anyone can be a member for $1. Members can read all of my fiction for free! You’ll also be supporting my work, including this bookshop, with your subscription. Organizations and businesses with a mission related to (or compatible with) climate justice can become sponsors or sustainers.
I also encourage you to do more than just read about climate change! Whether you’re reading climate fiction, climate nonfiction, or both, you will probably at some point find yourself feeling inspired to take action for climate justice. Find local people and organizations that are working on climate justice and do what you can to get involved and show your support. If you can’t find anyone locally, you can always turn to my climate resource center for leads.
In the meantime, reading about climate change is a good start. Thanks for reading!
My name is Treesong. I’m a father, author, talk radio host, and Real Life Superhero. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and Ko-fi for my latest climate fiction releases and superhero adventures. Sign up for my newsletter to receive free climate fiction in your inbox. Check out my bookshop for climate change books, including reading lists for climate fiction, climate nonfiction, and climate poetry!